Friday, May 29, 2009

Madison's 2 month check

I took Madison into the doctor yesterday for her 2 month check. It is crazy how fast they have gone. It all started good. We stripped her down and put her in the baby scale. She was fine with that and even taking her temperature and I was surprise because she hates to be naked, but after they took her temperature and before I could pick her up she realized she was naked and boy was she mad. She just started to scream. They had me put her diaper on but that wasn't really helping because she doesn't really like just being in a diaper either. so we laid her down and got her height and head measurement. Then we were waiting for the doctor to come in and she was not happy to be wrapped up in her blankets, she wanted her clothes but i knew we would have to take them off again and so we just tried to keep her as calm as possible. When the doctor came in she was surprised to see it was Madison screaming and not Ava or an older baby....apparently she has a big baby cry. It think it comes from competing with sister. they did her check over and then it was time for shots. She got her oral first and then the had me lay her down and got one in her right leg and 2 in her left, but she has these tiny stick legs and so the nurse only stuck the needle in half way so she wouldn't hit her little bones. I was a little worried she would be a crank monster because I had already told my sister we would come so they could all see how big she has gotten, and i had agreed to go to a party (girls time) for mary kay for one of my childhood neighbors. Once we got her wrapped up and gave her her binky and her purple tricot she was okay and even fell asleep. We waited the 10 minutes and we were free to go. Luckily everything looked good and no reactions.
For those who want to know she was 9 pounds 14 oz, her head was 38.5 cm and she was 22 1/2 inches long. She is long and skinny, at least she gets one thing from mom since everyone thinks she looks just like her daddy. everyone comments that she is so long although she is like 50-75% on the charts but i think she looks even longer since she is so skinny.

getting ready to go take Madison to the doctor

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