Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Birthday and other fun

Today is Seth's 28th birthday! I can't believe how lucky I am to have met and married such an amazing man! Not only is it his birthday but on the 24th Madison turned 10 months old. I can't believe it has been 10 months since she was born. Yesterday Ava was 3 years and 1 month old, i can't believe how time flies.
Last week we took our car in to get it fixed, it was supposed be done Wednesday, but problems with parts pushed it to Thursday, and then again parts problems pushed it back to Friday....and once again problems pushed it back to Monday!!! Well some sort of miracle must have happened because we actually got the car back yesterday. It wouldn't have been as big of a deal except that Madison had to get tubes put in her ears Friday morning. We had to be there at 7 am and Seth had to be to work at 7 am too and my mom was keeping Ava for us as well. So we would have to gotten both girls up and out the door around 6 so we could take Ava, drop off Seth and get to the hospital, and then have to pack the girls back up to pick up Seth for lunch, not my idea of fun, and not my mom's either. She let us borrow one of her cars and Ava stayed the night. It helped make a crazy morning a little less crazy.
Now that the craziness has dyed down some things are looking better. Madison has found walking easier, and talking more fun. For those of you who don't know Madison started walking just after Christmas, but has really taken off in the past couple of weeks and even more so since the surgery.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Another CRAZY Week

Last wednsday we took our cars in to get the oil changed and found out that our concord needs some major suspension work, so we have to take it in tomorrow and get it done. Yesterday I had to take Madison into the ENT and get her ears, and tonsils looked at. She has had 3 ear infections since the end september. 2 were within a month of each other, and the decieded that it was time to get them looked at. After the ENT looked and her he recommended she get tubes, they say if you have 3-4 ear infections in a 6 month period they should get tubes and she had that in 3 months, he said we could wait for one more and then get them, but with her decieding she is a walking girl i worry about the equalibrium and also they found blood on her ear drum that had the latest ear infection which made him think her ear drum may have ruptured during the ear infection, but is healing now. I want ot make sure she isn't going to have any development problems either so Friday we are gettign tubes put in her ears.
We are still watching chinook until her cone can come out, and taking her in to the vet this afternoon....hopefully next week won't be SO crazy

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


The last 8 days have been CRAZY! Last Monday I had to take Chinook in to the vet. to have surgery. She had a large mass on her front right leg and they decided it needed to come off. Since she loves to lick she has to have a cone on. She had few other little bumps that they took off too. Since she has the cone on she can't use her doggy door she has been hanging out at my house since i don't have stairs she HAS to use. She has been really good and quiet and lots of fun. Thursday Ava started Screaming and said her ear hurt. We tried to give her some medicine and see if that helped. It only did for so long. So Friday I called to get the girls into doctor. I went to get Chinook from mom's house and the vet called. We found out that she didn't have cancer, but an infection caused by her licking that spot. So I ran out and got her an antibiotic and then came home, got the girls ready and off to the doctor.
We got the girls weighed and ready. Madison has had a rash and not sure why. After getting the girls checked out both of them had an ear infection and bronchitis.
Saturday I went with my mom and sister to the temple. It was fun to get out of the house, and spend some quality time with them.
If that isn't enough Madison has decided that she needs to be a walker. She is up to walking 10 steps in a row. She could do more if she didn't lean so far over. Hopefully as this ear infection clears up she will be a little bit better balance wise!
We will have to see what the next week or two brings.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Little Chatch Up

Wow I just saw that it has been quite a while! My mom Celebrated her birthday, it was lots of fun to have lunch with her and my sister. We had lots of fun with seth's family at thanksgiving. Christmas was lots of fun with my family too. We are hoping to have lots of fun in the new year. Ava is enjoying being a sunbeam, Madison is up to 6 steps in a row and has 2 teeth. otherwisae life is the same old same old.